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Maximizing Performance: Achieve Lightning-Fast Query Speeds with These CosmosDB Optimization Strategies

Here are some tips to improve the performance of CosmosDB performance:

  • Use the DocumentClient class from the Azure Cosmos DB SDK instead of the SQLClient class, as the DocumentClient class is optimized for working with JSON documents.
  • Use the appropriate consistency level for the operation, based on the requirements of the application. For example, the Strong consistency level provides the highest consistency, but it may have higher latencies than the Eventual consistency level.
  • Use the PartitionKey property of the document to ensure that the documents are evenly distributed across the partitions, and use the RangeIndex property to enable range queries on the documents.
  • Use the IndexingPolicy property of the collection to specify the indexing mode and the included and excluded paths for the index. This can improve the performance of queries that filter or sort the documents.
  • Use the RequestOptions class to specify the options for the request, such as the PartitionKey value, the ConsistencyLevel value, the AccessCondition value, and the SessionToken value. This can improve the performance of the operation by avoiding unnecessary network trips and data transfer.
  • Use the Throughput property of the collection to specify the provisioned throughput for the collection, and use the Offer class to adjust the throughput of the collection in real time. This can improve the performance of the operations by providing more resources for the operations.
  • Use the ChangeFeedOptions class to specify the options for the change feed, such as the StartFromBeginning value, the PartitionKeyRangeId value, and the MaxItemCount value. This can improve the performance of the change feed by avoiding unnecessary network trips and data transfer.
  • Use the ContinuationToken property of the FeedResponse class to retrieve the next page of results for the query or the change feed, rather than retrieving all results at once. This can improve the performance of the operation by reducing the amount of data transferred over the network.
  • Use the PartitionKeyRangeCache class to cache the partition key range information and the partition map, and use the ConnectionPolicy class to specify the options for the connection, such as the RetryOptions value and the UseMultipleWriteLocations value. This can improve the performance of the operations by avoiding unnecessary network trips and data transfer.
  • Use the Document class from the Azure Cosmos DB SDK to serialize and deserialize the documents, and use the Batch class to group the operations into a single batch request. This can improve the performance of the operations by reducing the number of network trips and data transfer.
  • Use the StoredProcedure class to define and execute the stored procedures, and use the Trigger class to define and execute the triggers. This can improve the performance of the operations by offloading the processing to the server, rather than the client.
  • Use the UserDefinedFunction class to define and execute the user-defined functions, and use the Attachment class to manage the attachments for the documents. This can improve the performance of the operations by reducing the number of network trips and data transfer.
  • Use the Async methods of the Azure Cosmos DB SDK to perform the operations asynchronously, and use the Task class to manage the asynchronous tasks. This can improve the performance of the operations by avoiding blocking the current thread and allowing other operations to run concurrently.

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