To make a Microsoft Graph call in JavaScript, you will need to use the Microsoft Graph JavaScript Client Library. This library allows you to make…
Microsoft edge browser brings great separation between work and personal profiles. Recently I’ve purchased a Stream Deck from Amazon and would like to streamline my…
Windows 11 comes with not only slicker UI and better performance, but also truncated right click menu. Edit, as one of the most feature we…
Create a resource group Create a Linux VM VM lifecycle Show ip Remote execute
CentOS Core Enterprise does not come with PIP in repositories. Thus you need to turn on epel release in order to find pip packages After…
First make sure tor is running, with below code, you will construct a proxy session for tor. Then you can test your session via: you…
To retrieve the HTML code of a webpage from the browser console, you can use the document.documentElement.outerHTML property. This property returns the full HTML code…
Azure Service Bus(ASB) uses AAD or SAS token to authenticate. Here we assume you are the owner and is able to generate a Send/Listen SAS…
Secure Copy (scp) is an easy and powerful tool to use over SSH channel. Download a remote file Upload a file to remote as you…
Did you know you can just send a command and receive its output with ssh? you can also script for multiple commands do: so simple…